Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Buna Seara!

The sunset last night was quite beautiful. After having rain all day long we finally had a few moments without rain at sunset. This is the view from my bedroom window. The row of buildings in the foreground are garages for the a large apartment blok that is just outside of the frame on the right.

My Romanian classes are going a little better this week. My pronunciation still needs quite a bits of work, but I feel that I am understanding sentence structure a little more. I try to make sentences with my gazda at dinner each night; she ends up laughing a lot, but I like getting corrected.


  1. Nisa fotografie!

  2. You're going to have to start teaching all of us Romanian phrases so we can understand you :)

    Beautiful sunset friend!

  3. yeah, what eliza said. give us a little lesson on the blog :) or just a compilation of what key phrases you've mastered so far.

