Monday, May 10, 2010

saying good-bye to my city

The thought of saying good-bye to friends and family is challenging, but I know through the many small miracles of technology we will stay in touch. However, saying good-bye to Seattle is a little more difficult as I doubt the ability of my city as a pen pal. Seattle has been through many changes over the past few years, some good and some bad. It's interesting to think that I will come back to a city with decidedly more public transportation (perhaps I'll ride the light-rail from the airport to the University at the end of the 27 months) and potentially more huge constructions projects both underway or completed. I've been pondering the following:
  • A new seawall
  • A new viaduct
  • The additional 520 Bridge
  • A new Memorial Stadium (or no stadium at the Center?)
  • The completion of South Lake Union
  • New light rail stations
  • The end of the monorail
In my last week before departure I am focusing on some of my favorite parts of Seattle just the way it is. Here is one of my favorite spots in the arboretum, Foster Island. I took this photo walking back from a refreshing swim on a hot day last summer.


  1. such a beautiful photo. though seattle may not be able to write back, those of us here will promise to write about the city often... just so you can stay in the know :)

  2. Ah, what a lovely photo. Thanks for introducing me to your famous swimming spot and I promise to visit it many times this summer and write to you about it... in this way it can feel like a swimming spot pen pal :) Ditto to Cindy's comments!
