Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chicken Day

Over the weekend, I organized a mini-Thanksgiving for volunteers who live in my area. We opted for chicken, not turkey, as to get a turkey you have to spend a lot of time befriending farmers and we didn't quite have time this year.

I figured the day wouldn't be complete a crafty project. With the guidance of the internet I fashioned some quality headgear for the event.

Aron and Julie peel potatoes for dinner.

Mil carves up some chicken.

Our feast.

Julie, Mil, Aron, Vicki, Monica, Relu and Megan.
Thanks to a wonderful package from Ona we were able to enjoy pumpkin cupcakes with candy corn!

1 comment:

  1. My friend Erin said about thanksgiving, "I'm thankful
    today that in the US you can get a fresh turkey from the grocery store
    and that you don't have to personally transform it from a gobbling
    live bird to a holiday dinner."

    I think you made a wise choice going with chicken ;)
